

adjective \ˈtəf\

: very difficult to do or deal with

: physically and emotionally strong : able to do hard work, to deal with harsh conditions, etc.

: physically strong and violent

Full Definition of TOUGH

a :  strong or firm in texture but flexible and not brittle
b :  not easily chewed <tough meat>
:  characterized by severity or uncompromising determination <tough laws> <tough discipline>
:  capable of enduring strain, hardship, or severe labor <tough soldiers>
:  very hard to influence :  stubborn <a tough negotiator>
:  difficult to accomplish, resolve, endure, or deal with <a tough question> <tough luck>
:  stubbornly fought <a tough contest>
:  unruly, rowdyish <a tough gang>
:  marked by absence of softness or sentimentality <a tough critic>
tough·ly adverb
tough·ness noun

Examples of TOUGH

  1. I have a tough constitution, and my profession taught me how to compete against long odds and big obstacles. —Lance Armstrong, It's Not About The Bike, (2000) 2001

Origin of TOUGH

Middle English, from Old English tōh; akin to Old High German zāhi tough
First Known Use: before 12th century

Related to TOUGH

Synonym Discussion of TOUGH

strong, stout, sturdy, stalwart, tough, tenacious mean showing power to resist or to endure. strong may imply power derived from muscular vigor, large size, structural soundness, intellectual or spiritual resources <strong arms> <the defense has a strong case>. stout suggests an ability to endure stress, pain, or hard use without giving way <stout hiking boots>. sturdy implies strength derived from vigorous growth, determination of spirit, solidity of construction <a sturdy table> <people of sturdy independence>. stalwart suggests an unshakable dependability <stalwart environmentalists>. tough implies great firmness and resiliency <a tough political opponent>. tenacious suggests strength in seizing, retaining, clinging to, or holding together <tenacious farmers clinging to an age-old way of life>.


adverb \ˈtəf\

: in a way that shows that you are strong or tough

Full Definition of TOUGH

:  in a tough manner (see 1tough) <talking tough>

Origin of TOUGH

(see 1tough)
First Known Use: 14th century


noun \ˈtəf\

: a tough and violent person

Full Definition of TOUGH

:  a tough and violent person :  rowdy

Examples of TOUGH

  1. One night, after antagonizing a gang of older toughs, he had his face smashed in with a hockey stick. —John Harris, Rolling Stone, 14 Nov. 2002

Origin of TOUGH

(see 1tough)
First Known Use: 1801


transitive verb \ˈtəf\

Definition of TOUGH

:  to bear unflinchingly :  endure —usually used with out especially in the phrase tough it out

Examples of TOUGH

  1. Summer in New York is coasting the dairy aisle at Safeway. … It's finding the spot in a subway car where the vent blows strongest and staying there past your stop, toughing it out when the excuse me, ladies and gentlemen hard-luck stories blow through. —Guy Trebay, Village Voice, 30 July 1991

Origin of TOUGH

(see 1tough)
First Known Use: 1830
TOUGH[1] Defined for Kids


adjective \ˈtəf\

Definition of TOUGH for Kids

:  strong or firm but flexible and not brittle <tough fibers> <tough leather>
:  not easily chewed <tough meat>
:  physically or emotionally strong enough to put up with strain or hardship
:  very strict, firm, or determined <a tough coach> <tough rules>
:  very difficult to do or deal with <We've had some tough times.> <The math test was tough.>
:  lawless 2 <a tough neighborhood>
tough·ness noun


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